Madison House

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Age Group: 2nd-5th grade

Total time: 12 hours


  • Stick | 1

  • Rocks or chalk | 12 or 1

  • Playdough (optional) | 1 cup

  • Watch or clock | 1


  1. Find a sunny spot on a lawn or sidewalk.

  2. Put the stick upright into the ground. If on concrete, put the stick into the playdough and stick the playdough to the ground.

  3. Every hour, put a stone on the ground where the shadow falls. Alternatively, mark the spot with the chalk using numbers or dashes. Marking each hour may be completed over several days.

  4. When all the markers have been placed, the sundial is ready to use. You should be able to tell time from looking at where the shadow falls on the chalk marks or array of stones.

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