Madison House

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Baking Soda/Vinegar Experiment

Age Group: 4 years and up

Total time: 30 minutes - 1 hour


  • Baking Soda

  • Small bowls of white vinegar

  • Liquid food coloring

  • Casserole dish or baking sheet

  • Medicine dropper/Turkey Baster (or just spoons)


  1. Sprinkle baking soda in a layer all over your casserole dish or baking sheet

  2. Add drops of food coloring to each of your small bowls of white vinegar

  3. Using turkey baster/medicine dropper/spoon, pour small amounts of vinegar and food coloring mixtures onto the baking soda and watch it fizz and bubble!

  4. Create a beautiful array of colors and play around mixing colors!

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