Madison House

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UVA Student-Athletes’ Effort Extends Well Beyond Gyms and Stadiums

UVA’s 750 student-athletes routinely take time out from classes, practices and games to volunteer in the community – in schools, in hospitals, at Habitat for Humanity builds, assisted-living facilities, Special Olympics events and more.

They participate in organized events, but go on their own time as well, building personal relationships with students, teachers, patients and many others.

“I believe community engagement should be a part of the overall student-athlete experience,” UVA Director of Athletics Carla Williams said. “It teaches student-athletes to be active in their community, and it has a lasting and positive impact on our society. Not only are they providing service to our community, they are also acquiring knowledge outside of the classroom and their respective sport programs.”

Some of UVA’s student-athletes volunteer through Athletes Committed to Education, or ACE, a Madison House program that connects more than 50 student-athletes to local elementary schools.

They visit the schools on a weekly basis, allowing them to form strong bonds with students week after week, year after year.

Read the rest of this UVA Today story