Madison House

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Popsicle Stick Harmonica

Age Group: all ages

Total time: 20 minutes


  • Craft sticks | 2

  • Small rubber bands | 2

  • Paper | 1 sheet

  • Scissors

  • Toothpicks | 2


  1. Cut a piece of paper the length of a craft stick.

  2. Place the paper onto one of the craft sticks.

  3. Place another craft stick on top and wrap one small elastic band around one of the ends.

  4. Cut the toothpick to the width of the craft stick and place between the craft sticks and the piece of paper as close to the elastic and as possible.

  5. Tuck the toothpick in so it does not stick out on either side.

  6. Repeat with the toothpick on the other side and wrap the other end with an elastic band.

  7. Blow into your new harmonica.

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