Madison House

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Rain Stick

Age Group: 2nd-4th grade

Total time: 15-30 minutes


  • Long cardboard tube (paper towel or wrapping paper tube).

  • Aluminum foil

  • Small dried lentils, unpopped popcorn, dry rice, or tiny pasta

  • Tape

  • Scissors

  • Construction paper

  • Optional: Crayons or markers


  1. Trace around the end of your tube onto a piece of construction paper.

  2. Draw a circle that is roughly two times bigger than your first circle (around that first circle) and then draw four spokes between the two circles.

  3. Cut along the lines and tape the spokes onto one end of your tube.

  4. Cut a few pieces of aluminum foil that are about 1 and half times the length of your tube and about 6 inches (or half a foot) wide.

  5. Crush the aluminum foil into long, thin, snake-like shapes. Then twist each one into a spring shape. Place the aluminum foil springs into your tube.

  6. Pour some dry beans, dry rice, unpopped popcorn, or tiny noodles into your tube. The tube should be only about 1/10 full.

  7. Make another cap from the construction paper by repeating steps 1-3.

  8. Optional: decorate the tube by covering it with construction paper and then drawing on it with crayons or markers.

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