Madison House

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Fluffy Cloud Dough

Age Group: 4 years and up

Total time: 30 minutes - 1 hour


  • 2 cups cornstarch

  • 1 cup scented conditioner (any scent that you like!)- Suave brand is best

  • Food coloring or sparkles *optional

  • Airtight container


  1. In a large bowl, mix your conditioner, and cornstarch. If the mixture is too sticky add a little bit more corn starch.

    1. If the mixture is too dry, add a bit more conditioner.

  2. The dough should be non-stick, stretchy, and pliable.

  3. Divide it up by how many kids are playing, and by what colors/sparkles they want

    1. If using food coloring, be careful because it can get on your hands (try wearing gloves!)

    2. To make it look like a real “cloud,” use a white conditioner

  4. Play with dough on a covered surface- create anything you want (just like playdough but it smells like your conditioner scent and is super soft!)

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