Pirate Cork Boats

Age Group: K-2nd grade

Total time: 15-30 minutes


  • Corks | 3 per boat

  • Rubber bands | 2 per boat

  • Toothpick | 1 per boat

  • Small Piece of Paper/Foam | 1 per boat


  1. Arrange the 3 corks next to one another and use the 2 rubber bands to keep them in place. This will form the base/deck of the boat.

  2. Use the paper or foam to make the sail for your boat. You can cut it so it is triangular or rectangular or make it any shape you want! Add some designs to make it your own!

  3. The toothpick will attack the sail to the boat. Poke the toothpick through the top of the sail you just made and poke it through again at the bottom of the sail. Finally, poke it into the cork deck to attach it to the boat.

Image source RedTedArt.com

Image source RedTedArt.com