Age Group: K-5th grade
Total time: 1 hour
Non permanent markers
White coffee filters
Cups of water
Black pipe cleaners
Choose some markers to experiment with. Don’t be afraid to try black-- it ends up with the best results.
Take one coffee filter. Put it on a newspaper or some kind of material to protect your table. Draw a thick circle around the center of the coffee filter where the rigid part meets the flat center. Use a pencil to write the color of the marker being used right in the center.
Fold the coffee filter in half and then in half again, resulting in a cone shape.
Get a short glass of water. Pull apart the cone shaped coffee filter so it balances right on the glass with the tip of the cone just touching the water. (Be sure NOT to let the marker circle go in the water)
Let it sit and watch what happens as the water begins to flow up the paper.
Repeat with different colored markers.
After the water has reached the outer edge of the coffee filter, place it on a newspaper to dry.
Once the coffee filters are dry you can observe the results.
To make into a butterfly, cut your black pipe cleaners in half.
Take one coffee filter and scrunch it up in the middle.
Wrap a black pipe cleaner around the center.
Shape the ends to form antennae.
Tie a string to the center and hang.
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