Holiday Sharing is a Madison House program that provides toys, gifts, and non-perishable food for local families need in partnership with the Salvation Army. About 50 students worked together during the fall semester to make Distribution Day 2015 (on December 5) a success. This past Saturday, Madison House volunteers with our Holiday Sharing program made the season merry and bright for 160 local families by tirelessly distributed toys, gifts, and non-perishable food in partnership with the Salvation Army.
During this semester, Holiday Sharing volunteers planned two new events, "Holidays in October" and a canned food drive, which raised over $1,000 combined. Each volunteer serves about three hours a week -- until the week leading up to Distribution Day when some volunteers serve over 15 hours!
Eric Macblane, the Head Program Director for Holiday Sharing and third-year Engineering student, said:
"Holiday Sharing is truly a coming together of the larger community. Without everyone coming together through this program, we would not be able to provide for the 160 Charlottesville families we work with over the holidays. At the heart of it are about 50 volunteers who work extremely hard to build the connections and partnerships necessary for the holiday season. At the end of the day, we have one community of kind, caring, and thankful people who all walk away happier from this program."
Thank you to all of our generous "Santa" level sponsors.