Community Partners

Saddle Up for Service: Volunteer with CART this Spring

Saddle Up for Service: Volunteer with CART this Spring

Charlottesville Area Riding Therapy (CART) provides therapeutic horseback riding lessons for children and adults with disabilities, and volunteers play a key role in offering these sessions. Head Program Director Maggie Monroe got involved with the nonprofit organization her second year at UVA, originally because she was taking a course—Poverty and the Young Child—which had a community service element. “I immediately felt drawn to CART as I have two younger cousins on the spectrum, one with Autism Spectrum Disorder and one with Down Syndrome,” Maggie shares. “I have always loved working with and giving back to this population, and I found CART's mission statement to be exactly what I was looking for.” Read more about CART and the Madison House volunteer experience.

Gear up to volunteer with Madison House logo items!

Gear up to volunteer with Madison House logo items!

Hot off the t-shirt press! Madison House logo items, including t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, and ball caps are now available through Rivanna Gear & Apparel. John and Susan Turner own this small, local business and are committed to giving back to other local organizations. Read more about the Turners and how your purchase benefits Madison House.

Lettuce Celebrate!

Lettuce Celebrate!

Flowers are not the only thing springing up as the weather turns warmer! Some seasonal Madison House programs, like Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) Community Gardens Program are picking up again after UVA’s spring break ended in mid-March. The program operates from August to mid-November and is in its sixteenth year of helping local food banks like The Haven, Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, the PVCC Food Pantry, the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, the Thomas Jefferson Area Food Bank, and The Salvation Army. Read more about this growing program!