Work-Study Thank You Note Writing Process:

1) At the beginning of each month, a new list will be provided.

2) Each shift, you are expected to write 3 donor notes and place them in the Development mailbox for review

3) Use the spreadsheet to fill out the envelope for the donor, write notes and put notes inside of

the envelope but do not seal it (examples of what to write can be found below).

4) Highlight the name of the notecards you have done on the spreadsheet so the next work-study

knows where you left off.

5) Below you will find some sample thank you note language. Feel free to use this as a guide but

we also want it to sound authentic, so be sure to add your voice to the letter!

Version A:

Thank you so much for your recent support of Madison House. Your generosity allows students like me the opportunity to serve in the community and gain new leadership skills. Madison House is grateful for donors like you that open the door to experiential learning for all UVA students.

With gratitude,

{Your Name and Class year}

Version B (if you’re a volunteer):

As a student that volunteers through Madison House, I am personally grateful for your support of this organization. It has allowed me to volunteer with {insert program name} and taught me {insert something you learned}. Thank you for your recent gift to Madison House and your investment in my student volunteer experience.

With gratitude,

{Your Name and Class year}

Version C:

Your belief in Madison House has allowed us to do great work this year. Many of our programs are restarting as a result of the pandemic, and your ongoing support has allowed us to adapt to these changes. Thanks for your investment in Madison House and the student volunteer experience, we are grateful for your support.

With gratitude,

{Your Name and Class year}