Homemade Bird Feeders

Age Group: K-2nd grade

Total time: 30 minutes


  • Pinecones | one per participant

  • Bowl | 2

  • Peanut Butter

  • Birdseed

  • Spoon

  • Ribbon or Twine


  1. Find a pinecone that’s big enough to be a good source of food for the birds! Take the pinecone inside and gather peanut butter, a knife, and some birdseed.

  2. Take the peanut butter and some birdseed and scoop them into their own bowls.

  3. Use the spoon to spread the peanut butter all over the pinecone! Make sure to leave some of the top clean so you have a good spot to tie your ribbon/twine on.

  4. Once the pinecone is covered in peanut butter, roll it in the birdseed.

  5. Take your ribbon/twine and knot it around the top- if you’re struggling to get it to stay try putting it underneath the top couple layers of seeds. Once it is securely on the pinecone, use the ribbon/twine to create a loop to hang it with!

  6. Once the pinecone is well covered in peanut butter/birdseed and has a nice loop at the top, take it back outside and hang it on a deck or off a tree for the birds to enjoy!

Image source OneLittleProject.com

Image source OneLittleProject.com