Recycled Crayons

Age Group: K-2nd grade

Total time: 1 hour


  • Old Crayons

  • Muffin Tin

  • Oven


  1. Collect all your old, broken crayons and take the paper wrapping off of them. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.

  2. Grab a muffin tin and separate the chunks into the individual sections. Try to fill each section to at least half full- either with all the same color family or you can create your own design (like tie dye!)

  3. Once you’ve used all your pieces and the oven is preheated, put the muffin tin in for 15-20 minutes or until the crayons are fully melted.

  4. Take the tin out and allow the wax to cool. Once fully cooled, flip the tin upside down and hit the bottom of each section to get your new crayon out (if they don't want to come out try putting the tin in the freezer for 5-10 mins first!)

  5. Grab some paper and test out your creations!

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