Expenditures and Receipts

Obtain approval from your HPD in advance of making a purchase. You or they should submit a purchase request. Each track has a spending limit. If you are approaching that limit, please consult with your advisor regarding your program budget and any potential additional funding requirements.

Submit a purchase request

Keep a copy of the receipt for any expense related to your program. Submit them right away to Madison House to ensure that these charges are verified and reconciled promptly.

Please fill out the post-event survey and submit your receipt.

Program credit cards

With HPD and track advisor approval, PDs can request a credit card to make purchases for their program. If you make purchases without prior approval, your card will be cancelled.

Madison House is tax exempt, meaning taxes should never be paid when using MH cards. It is suggested that HPDs bring this tax receipt form when making any purchases in person to ensure proof of non-profit status.

To place orders on Amazon, contact your advisor so that we can place orders on Madison House’s tax-exempt Amazon Prime account.

NOTE: Leaders may lose their credit card privileges if they neglect to use their credit cards responsibly by failing to return the cards in a timely manner or consistently failing to submit copies of the receipts.


Tax exempt accounts have been established at the following stores, which have the necessary forms on file. Therefore, you can easily make a purchase at these vendors - just inform the cashier that they have the forms on file!

  • Foods of All Nations

  • Martin’s Hardware

  • Habitat ReStore

  • BestBuy

If purchasing work-related supplies at the following stores, please enter Madison House’s phone number (434) 977-7051 at checkout to ensure taxes are taken off.

  • Lowe’s

  • Staples

  • Michael’s

We have approved swipe cards at the following stores - contact the Madison House Director of Operations for information on borrowing a swipe card.

  • Wegmans

  • Costco


PAMs (Program Advising Meetings) are meetings between the HPD of a program and all of the PDs that work with them. While the scheduling of these meetings is up to the HPD, it is suggested that these meetings occur at least twice per month in order to ensure all student leaders are on the same page. Additionally, it is advised that PDs review the provided PAM template prior to a meeting to ensure they know what information is needed to give adequate reports on their program.


Madison House is unable to reimburse mileage for any volunteer.

If you are having difficulty arranging volunteer transportation, please check with your graduate track fellow for assistance.


As a PD, you may be contacted by a member of the media (UVA Today, Cavalier Daily, CBS19, radio, television, etc.), and asked to comment on your program. If this occurs, you should notify your HPD as soon as possible to ensure that both Madison House and its programs are represented accurately and responsibly. Additionally, you should refer to the Madison House External Communications Guidelines whenever making any public statement (including social media posts!) to ensure that you are adhering to the Madison House best practices.

Room Reservations

HPDs have the option of reserving a room in the Madison House office in order to meet with the members of their program. Please email frontdesk@madisonhouse.org to request one of the rooms listed below.

Checking Compliance Status of Education & Youth Volunteers - Video Tutorial

View this tutorial on how to check the OYP training and background check compliance status of Education & Youth volunteers.