Hand Turkey

Age Group: K-3rd grade

Total time: 20 minutes


  • Computer Paper | 1 piece/Turkey

  • Washable Markers | 1 pack

  • Googly Eyes (Optional) | 2/Turkey

  • Feathers (Optional) | 8-10/Turkey


  1. Take a marker and trace your hand on the paper.

  2. Color in each finger.

  3. Draw on eyes and a beak.

  4. (Optional) Add colored feathers and googly eyes, instead of drawing them on.

Image source GoodHousekeeping.com

Image source GoodHousekeeping.com

Tissue Paper Fall Wreath

Age Group: toddlers

Total time: 10 minutes


  • Paper plate | 1

  • Tissue paper | 10 pieces of various colors

  • Glue | 1 stick

  • Brown construction paper | 1 sheet

  • Artificial leaves or flowers | 3

  • Scissors | 1


  1. Cut out a circle in the middle of the paper plate.

  2. Have the child tear the brown construction paper into strips-- these are the branches/ twigs.

  3. Have the child crumple up the tissue paper and glue both the strips and the tissue paper to the plate.

  4. Glue on artificial flowers/ leaves.

Image source HappyHooligans.ca

Image source HappyHooligans.ca

Paper Plate Dinosaurs

Age Group: all ages

Total time: 30 minutes


  • Paper plates | however many dinosaurs you want to make

  • Paint

  • Clothes pins | 2 per dinosaur

  • Colored cardstock paper | 1 sheet per dinosaur

  • Googly eyes | 1 per dinosaur

  • Black pen | 1

  • Glue stick | 1


  1. Cut paper plate in half.

  2. Paint the half paper plate your desired color.

  3. Paint two clothespins the same color as the half plate.

  4. One the plate is dry, use it as a template to draw dinosaur spikes, a head, and a tail.

  5. Cut out the spikes, head, and tail and glue onto the back of the plate.

  6. Add a smile to the dinosaur’s face and glue on the google eye.

  7. Attach the 2 clothespins to the straight bottom of the plate where legs would go.

Image source MadeToBeAMomma.com

Image source MadeToBeAMomma.com

Paper Snowflakes

Age Group: all ages

Total time: 10 minutes


  • Paper | how many snowflakes you want to make

  • Scissors | 1


  1. Fold the paper diagonally

  2. Fold the triangle in half

  3. Fold the left and right part towards the back

  4. Start cutting out sections of the snowflake

  5. Unfold the snowflake

Image source Pillsbury.com

Image source Pillsbury.com

Key Wind Chimes

Age Group: all ages

Total time: 30 minutes


  • Old keys | 5

  • Driftwood or stick | 1

  • String or Fishing line | 1

  • Paint | 1


  1. Paint the keys anyway you want

  2. Tie a piece of string to either end of the stick so that you have a way to hang it.

  3. Tie a piece of string to each key.

  4. Tie the keys to the stick making sure that they are close enough to each other that they will chime when the wind blows them.

Image source InnerChildFun.com

Image source InnerChildFun.com

Recycled Crayons

Age Group: K-2nd grade

Total time: 1 hour


  • Old Crayons

  • Muffin Tin

  • Oven


  1. Collect all your old, broken crayons and take the paper wrapping off of them. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.

  2. Grab a muffin tin and separate the chunks into the individual sections. Try to fill each section to at least half full- either with all the same color family or you can create your own design (like tie dye!)

  3. Once you’ve used all your pieces and the oven is preheated, put the muffin tin in for 15-20 minutes or until the crayons are fully melted.

  4. Take the tin out and allow the wax to cool. Once fully cooled, flip the tin upside down and hit the bottom of each section to get your new crayon out (if they don't want to come out try putting the tin in the freezer for 5-10 mins first!)

  5. Grab some paper and test out your creations!

Image source ThePrettyBee.com

Image source ThePrettyBee.com

Homemade Bird Feeders

Age Group: K-2nd grade

Total time: 30 minutes


  • Pinecones | one per participant

  • Bowl | 2

  • Peanut Butter

  • Birdseed

  • Spoon

  • Ribbon or Twine


  1. Find a pinecone that’s big enough to be a good source of food for the birds! Take the pinecone inside and gather peanut butter, a knife, and some birdseed.

  2. Take the peanut butter and some birdseed and scoop them into their own bowls.

  3. Use the spoon to spread the peanut butter all over the pinecone! Make sure to leave some of the top clean so you have a good spot to tie your ribbon/twine on.

  4. Once the pinecone is covered in peanut butter, roll it in the birdseed.

  5. Take your ribbon/twine and knot it around the top- if you’re struggling to get it to stay try putting it underneath the top couple layers of seeds. Once it is securely on the pinecone, use the ribbon/twine to create a loop to hang it with!

  6. Once the pinecone is well covered in peanut butter/birdseed and has a nice loop at the top, take it back outside and hang it on a deck or off a tree for the birds to enjoy!

Image source OneLittleProject.com

Image source OneLittleProject.com

Fake Snow

Age Group: K-5th grade

Total time: 30 minutes


  • Mixing Bowl

  • Baking Soda | 1 lb

  • Shaving Cream | 10 oz

  • Glitter (Optional)


  1. Pour the baking soda into the mixing bowl.

  2. Add the shaving cream to the mixing bowl. The amount you should add depends on how you want the consistency of the snow to turn out. You can add a little first and always add more later!

  3. Mix everything in the bowl with your hands. If you want sparkly snow, add some glitter and mix!

  4. Play with your fake snow! Make mini snow angels, snowmen, or snow forts! Make sure to NOT eat the fake snow and AVOID eye contact.

Image source TheSpruceCrafts.com

Image source TheSpruceCrafts.com

Pirate Cork Boats

Age Group: K-2nd grade

Total time: 15-30 minutes


  • Corks | 3 per boat

  • Rubber bands | 2 per boat

  • Toothpick | 1 per boat

  • Small Piece of Paper/Foam | 1 per boat


  1. Arrange the 3 corks next to one another and use the 2 rubber bands to keep them in place. This will form the base/deck of the boat.

  2. Use the paper or foam to make the sail for your boat. You can cut it so it is triangular or rectangular or make it any shape you want! Add some designs to make it your own!

  3. The toothpick will attack the sail to the boat. Poke the toothpick through the top of the sail you just made and poke it through again at the bottom of the sail. Finally, poke it into the cork deck to attach it to the boat.

Image source RedTedArt.com

Image source RedTedArt.com

Paper Roll Zebra

Age Group: 2nd-5th grade

Total time: 30-45 minutes


  • Paper rolls

  • White craft paint

  • Black and white craft paper

  • Black marker

  • Glue

  • Pencil

  • Scissors

  • Paint brush

  • Round cup or plastic container


  1. Start by painting the paper roll white. Set it aside to dry completely.

  2. Cut several strips of black paper.

  3. Once the paint is dry, glue the black paper strips onto the paper roll.

  4. Use a round cup or plastic container to trace a circle onto white paper. Draw two ears attached to the circles. Cut out the zebra’s head.

  5. Use the same round cup or plastic container to draw another circle onto black paper. Cut out the circle. Draw a curved line at the bottom of the circle to make the snout. Then cut it out.

  6. Glue the snout at the bottom of the head.

  7. Use a black marker to draw the eyes, smile, ear details and stripes.

  8. Glue the head to the top of the paper roll.

Image source NonToyGifts.com

Image source NonToyGifts.com

Winter Tree Art

Age Group: K-5th grade

Total time: 30 minutes


  • Blue construction paper

  • Twigs of various sizes

  • White paint

  • Paintbrush

  • Glue


  1. Gather all supplies, find twigs in the yard and break them up into various sizes.

  2. Glue twigs into tree shape onto construction paper, add several branches of shorter pieces to make the tree look realistic.

  3. Dip the non-bristle end of the paintbrush into the white paint.

  4. Use the rounded end of the paintbrush with paint on it to dab dots onto the paper in the appearance of snow.

  5. Allow time for everything to dry then you have a beautiful snowy piece of art.

Image source FantasticFunAndLearning.com

Image source FantasticFunAndLearning.com

Marbled Shaving Cream Prints

Age Group: all grades

Total time: 30 minutes


  • Shaving cream (must be foam, not gel)

  • Shallow container (such as a pie pan)

  • Any kind of paint or Food Coloring

  • Something to use as a scraper (Ruler, gift card, etc.)

  • Watercolor paper or cardstock, cut into halves or quarters


  1. Squirt the shaving cream into the shallow container so that it covers the bottom (should cover a portion of the bottom which is the same size as the piece of paper you plan to use.)

  2. Drip your paint or food coloring over the shaving cream.

  3. Use a skewer or toothpick to swirl the color and the shaving cream, creating whatever pattern you want.

  4. Press your piece of paper onto the shaving cream.

  5. Remove your piece of paper and lay it down on a flat surface.

  6. Use your scraper to scrape the excess shaving cream off of the piece of paper.

  7. You're done!

Image source ArtfulParent.com

Image source ArtfulParent.com

Fish Flop Painting

Age Group: 2nd-6th grade

Total time: 30 minutes


  • Foam Sheet

  • Paint | as many colors as you want

  • Super glue

  • Long paper sheet | 2 sheets 5 ft. long

  • Flip flops | 1 pair


  1. Cut out foam fish and other shapes.

  2. Super glue the fish to the bottom of the shoes.

  3. Put shoes on and step into paint.

  4. Walk onto white paper sheet with fish flip flops on.

Image source JDaniel4sMom.com

Image source JDaniel4sMom.com

Tin Can Bowling

Age Group: K-5th grade

Total time: 10 minutes


  • Tin cans | 6

  • Ball | 1

  • Spray paint | optional, as many colors as you want


  1. Spray paint the cans colors of your choosing, this step is optional.

  2. Align the tin cans on top of eachother in a pyramid formation with three on the button, two stacked on top, and one at the very top.

  3. Stand 10 feet away from the tin can pyramid and roll the ball towards the cans trying to knock all of them down.

Image source TrishSutton.com

Image source TrishSutton.com

Backyard Solar System

Age Group: 3rd-5th grade

Total time: 40 minutes


  • 9 pieces of paper (either printer or construction paper)


  1. Gather 9 pieces of paper, one for each of the planets and for the sun. They can either be construction paper in the color of each of the planets or printer paper that you can color in yourself!

  2. Cut out circles from the pieces of paper to represent each of the planets. The largest should be the Sun, followed by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, and lastly Mercury.

  3. Take these cutouts somewhere outside where you will have lots of space to spread them out.

  4. Put your Sun down at the far left of your open space. For our purposes, one step will represent one astronomical unit.

  5. Put Mercury half a step from the sun and Venus right after it. Earth goes to the right of Venus and should be one full step away from the Sun.

  6. Your Mars will go a step and a half from the Sun while Jupiter will be 5 steps from the Sun.

  7. Place your Saturn 10 steps from your sun and your Uranus 19 steps from your sun.

  8. There’s a big gap between Uranus and Neptune- put your Neptune 30 feet from where your Sun is to finish up your backyard solar system!

Image source TeachBesideMe.com

Image source TeachBesideMe.com

A Tale of Your Neighborhood

Age Group: all ages

Total time: 30 minutes - 1 hour


  • Pen

  • Paper


  1. Gather a piece of paper and something to write with and get ready to go on a walk!

  2. Walk around your neighborhood or a local park, and take note of all the types of animals you see.

  3. In addition to keeping track of all the different species, keep track of how many times you see each.

  4. Once you have at least 4 types of animals, take 20 minutes and write a short story involving all of them! Make up their names, their backgrounds, etc!

  5. However many times you see a certain type of animal is how many times you should mention them in your tale.

  6. Share your ideas with each other!


Growing Seeds

Age Group: all ages

Total time: 2 weeks


  • Tall plastic containers | 2

  • Paper towels

  • Cotton balls

  • Glue

  • Spray bottle

  • Seeds


  1. Fold a paper towel in half and place dots of glue to place the seeds on

  2. Place the paper towel in the container and mist the seed with the spray bottle

  3. Put cotton balls all around the bottom to keep the paper towel in place

  4. Wait two weeks and you will see the plant grow!

Image source LifeAtTheZoo.com

Image source LifeAtTheZoo.com

Hopscotch Obstacle Course

Age Group: K-3rd grade

Total time: 45 minutes


  • Sidewalk Chalk


  1. Create an obstacle course out of chalk! You can draw lines that the player must step on, circles for them to jump to/from or simple instructions like: jump 10 times or spin in a circle.

  2. Once you’ve created your course, test it out! See how fast you can do it.

Image source HandsOnAsWeGrow.com

Image source HandsOnAsWeGrow.com